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Adding custom kubernetes manifests

If you need to create additional kubernetes objects after cluster creation, you can use k3s_extra_manifests variable.
Example with all possible parameters:

  - name: kata
    state: present
      kind: RuntimeClass
        name: kata
      handler: kata

You can supply full definition in "definition" block, including resource name in (kata in example).
If your object doesn't contain, then name from ansible will be used (kata in example).
Object name in .definition have precedence and will be used if both .name and exists.
You can also control control resource state with state parameter (absent, present), which is set to present by default.
Object creation will be delegated to first node in your k3s_master_group, in case of multi-master setup it will be your "initial" master node.
For RBAC, it will use k3s-generated /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml kubeconfig on same master server, which have cluster-admin rights.