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HA with VRRP (keepalived)

You can use this keepalived role if you have L2 networking available and can use VRRP for failover IP. In that case, you might need to add tls-san option in k3s_master_extra_config with your floating ip. For keepalived to work, following conditions should be met: 1) L2 networking must be available. Sadly, this is not a common case with cloud providers and most VPNs. 2) Virtual IP must be in same subnet as interfaces on top of which they are used

Sample keepalived configuration on master-1, assuming we use network on vpn0 interface:

    interface: vpn0
    state: MASTER
    virtual_router_id: 51 #if you have multiple VRRP setups in same network this should be unique
    priority: 255 #node usually owning IP should always have priority set to 255
    authentication_password: "somepassword" #can be omitted, but always good to use
      - " dev vpn0 label vpn0:0"
for backing masters:
    interface: vpn0
    state: BACKUP
    virtual_router_id: 51
    priority: 254 #use lower priority for each node
    authentication_password: "somepassword"
      - " dev vpn0 label vpn0:0"
And in k3s configuration:

If everything is configured correctly, you should see on vpn0:0 interface on master-1 node. Try stopping keepalived on master-1 and see how IP disappears from master-1 and appears on master-2.
From now it's your choice how you want to configure HA - point agents to that floating IP, or install load-balancer on each master node and distribute requests between them.